Safety Kinetics


Are You A Top Performer?

Through your career you will encounter colleagues that are always able to maintain as a performer in their jobs. You may have worked for companies that you were able to maintain above average our outstanding performance reviews. In today’s blog we share tips to developing the right attitude and mindset to helping you be a top performer.

1. Do more than expected. When you are expected to manage one task, go beyond that one task. A lot of people are not willing to do more. They thought that if they do more, they will lose out. This is not a correct mindset. Only by doing more, you will learn more. By doing more, you create additional value for yourself. Keep in mind most managers and supervisors like their team members who willing to do more.

2. Do not sit and wait. Once the task is complete, do not just sit there and await your boss to assign you the second task. Go and ask for more, be proactive.

3. Act and think like the company is owned by you. If you are the owner of your company, your level of commitment increases. You will do your best for your own company, so go all in at 100%.

4. Learn to like your job. It is easy to focus on the areas of work that cause discomfort, however a shift to what brings you joy about your job will make all tasks more enjoyable. If you find it difficult to find any joy, it may be time to consider looking for a change in career.

5. Be willing to share your knowledge with others. Many people are not willing to share what they know with others because of their own insecurities. Some may be unwilling to share with others out of fear that they can become more valuable to the company. One of the important criteria to be promoted to a managerial or supervisory role is the skill of training and teaching others. If you are unwilling to share your expertise and knowledge, you may miss the opportunity for advancement.

6. Do not try to challenge your boss. We not asking you to be a yes man, you need to show your boss that you can think on your own. Continue to be professional even you do not agree with your boss. Remember to use good judgement (ethical, legal, safe) when it comes to the instructions of your boss. You still must follow their instructions, even if you don’t agree with them.

7. Teamwork is important. You must know how to work wells with other as a team. There’s a saying: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Teamwork really does make the dream work.

8. Strive to be the expert in your industry. Read and learn more about the industry you are in or want to transition. Online learning has allowed many to increase their skills while remaining employed in the process.

If you have the right mindset, no matter where you are employed, you will always get recognized and you will always be the performer.

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