The Emotional Toll Of Changing Careers and How To Manage It

Changing careers can be an emotional rollercoaster. It can be both exciting and scary, and you may experience a range of emotions, including anxiety, uncertainty, excitement, and doubt. The emotional toll of changing careers can take a toll on your mental health, but there are ways to manage it. Here are some tips on how […]

How To Build Confidence When Changing Careers

Changing careers can be a daunting and overwhelming experience that can often leave you feeling uncertain, anxious, and lacking in confidence. However, building your confidence is crucial to successfully transitioning to a new career. Here are some tips on how to build your confidence when changing careers: Focus on your transferable skills: One of the […]

5 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Transitioning To A New Career

Transitioning to a new career can be exciting and daunting at the same time. You may be eager to explore a new industry, learn new skills, and pursue your passion, but you may also be anxious about the unknown, potential setbacks, and the possibility of failure. While making a career change can be a rewarding […]

It’s Not The Fall Its The Sudden Stop

You are on a walking/working surface 35 feet above a lower level. Your boot snags on something, you lose your balance, and you are now falling toward the ground. What would your thoughts be? If you’re a slow thinker, not much because in approximately 1 second your moving body will be suffering the consequences of […]

Every Job Requires Mental Alertness

Construction workers are a special breed of people. They have to have specialized knowledge; general knowledge; the ability to assess a constantly changing work environment; make quick and accurate decisions; solve problems “on-the-go”; and, actually implement their solutions. A construction site is no “Ivory Tower”. It is the real world with real problems and real […]

Housekeeping Is Part Of Your Job

What in the world does good housekeeping have to do with working on a job site? Weren’t you employed to accomplish certain tasks during your work shift and isn’t that all that matters? Housekeeping is not an additional duty — it is part of your job. A clean and organized job site creates a positive […]

What Are The Signs Of Heat Exhaustion/Heat Stroke?

To lessen the possibility of heat exhaustion or heat stroke, keep your body well hydrated with water; wear light clothing that allows for perspiration; and reduce exertion on extremely hot, moist days, and allow for air circulation. If the below symptoms present themselves, call for an emergency responder and follow their instructions.

Do You Have Assigned First Aid Providers?

Prior to the start of any project, provision will be made for prompt medical care in thecase of serious injury. In the absence of an infirmary; clinic; hospital; physician or other licensed healthcare professional that is reasonably accessible in terms of time and distance to the worksite, a person who has a valid certificate in […]